Posts Tagged 'Bob Dylan'

Bob Dylan, by Avedon


Richard Avedon shooting Bob Dylan. When? I don’t know. Why? Not a clue. Does it matter? No.

Osama Eisa

The Language of Dylan


As I’ve previously stated, Joshua Tetreault is a very talented guy, but prior to even knowing who this gentleman was I knew of The Language of Dylan. The Language of Dylan is a beautifully one-off book, finely crafted by Josh implementing found pieces of paper, type writing, found imagery, a extremely precious attention to detail and craftsmanship. Josh’s assignment:

Design a book jacket and style guides for a biography of an artist that has inspired you outside the world of graphic design.

Josh’s explains his process: “I chose to design 3 books in one to illustrate the three levels of Dylan’s growth and language shifts through 1960-1967. I learned more about myself and life through my research and sleepless nights with the craftsman of language, Bob Dylan.”

More detailed views of the book can be seen after the jump…

Continue reading ‘The Language of Dylan’

Bob Dylan, How Not to be Misinterpreted.

Bob Dylan as we know, can sing and write. But did you know he can talk? Dylan always had a way with words while being interviewed. He believed that in order for an interview to be successful, he had to make the reporter feel as uncomfortable as possible. At one point in this example the reporter looks as if he is going to cry. Atta’ boy Bobby.

Yes, I am aware that I am a part of this media he is so good at bashing. I am also aware that Eleven Magazine will have eleven interviews per issue, meaning that we could potentially be on the receiving end of such a tirade eleven times per publication. What does he accomplish by talking circles around reporters? To provoke thought and prevent interpretation. So why am I interpreting? Good Question.

Sal Aresco
