Posts Tagged 'Music'

Editors’ Playlist for the Week


This has been a somber few days for music, obviously with the untimely passing of Michael Jackson. While many of us may have been caught up with the controversy surrounding Michael Jackson’s questionable behavior in his later years, the music that he left behind is something that has inspired millions all over this planet.

How should we honor such a man? Mourn him? I would like to think having a smile, and maybe trying a moonwalk while listening to one of songs is the most fitting tribute any of us can offer.

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Editors’ Playlist for the Week


Sorry this is a day late, but, as expected, here is our famous editors’ playlist of the week.

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Editors’ Playlist for the Week

Our playlist this week is actually on time this week. We are going to keep getting better, we promise.

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Bob Dylan, by Avedon


Richard Avedon shooting Bob Dylan. When? I don’t know. Why? Not a clue. Does it matter? No.

Osama Eisa

Editors’ Playlist for the Week


So we are sorry about the delays with the playlist for the week, just thank (or decry) the fact that you aren’t in a time period where folical fashions like the ones above were cool.

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Grizzly Bear, Black Cab Sessions

Holy shiz, listen to the harmony in this song. Blew my mind!

Ryan Haigh


The Danish band WhoMadeWho is a mix between disco, funk and psychodelic rock, and they are ssssicckk. Check ’em out!

Jessica Granato

Editors’ Playlist for the Week


So, uh, we kinda forgot about last week’s playlist. It was a crazy week, so forgive us. We’re trying to make it up to you all. Here is our playlist for this week:

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Delphic – “Counterpoint”

Delphic’s debut single “Counterpoint” is a song that brings into various musical elements, but I am actually more excited to listen to some electro remix of this track. Is it bad that I have stopped liking original music?

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Club worthy or chill worthy? This style of music proves that opposites really do attract. Before there was once a fine line between jazz, electronic, techno and hip-hop, and now that music is evolving it is almost impossible to put a title on it. We hear words like acid jazz or trip hop, which is modern title to an ambiguous genre.

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